The Beginning of Boy Scouts of America.


The Beginning of Boy Scouts of America.

Scouting was incorporated on February 8, 1910,
having been brought to America by publisher William D. Boyce of Chicago, after being helped to find an London address on
a very foggy day by an English Boy Scout as a Good Turn, not accepting a tip for his service. Boyce was so impressed, he asked
the boy to lead him to the nearby office of the founder of English Scouting, Lord Baden Powell, who provided Boyce with start
up material in America. The lure of Scouting from the very beginning was being a part of the exploration of the wilderness areas,
and the love of hiking and camping, was a strong part of the mystique. Every camping trip brought a deeper knowledge of the
intricacies of the outdoor life, and higher knowledge for their badges of advancement.

Paintings by Norman Rockwell











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